Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Homework: Half Term Friday 23rd October - Monday 2nd November 09 / Opening Scene Comparisons

YOU TUBE LINK (Only Watch First 2 Mins)

In this opening scene we immediately know its created by paramount pictures. The film begins with two sets of titles and then leads into a young teenage girl who starts to tell us about herself and her life. The audience is immediately told her name and that she comes from Africa and has now moved to America to attend her first school. The music which they use at the opening of this film is very suited to the scenes they have used to begin the film. When we are shown the pictures from Kady in Africa, jungle like music is used to match the setting of the photos used. When she then enters high school the music changes to a more upbeat typical American song which helps exaggerate the setting of the scene. In the first 2 minuets of this opening to Mean Girls the camera shots used are mainly medium shots, medium close ups, long shots and extreme long shots. Fir example the very beginning begins with a medium shot but the angle used is very low and then it gradually moves into a steady eye level frame.The audience are introduced to this film in an intriguing way by the difference between this movie and other typical teenage dramas by its unique story line.

YOU TUBE LINK (Only Watch First 2 Mins)

Road Trip is a Dream Works production working with Monteicto Picture company. The opening scene begins with university graduating music and an extreme long shot of University campus on a high angle, this is an establishing shot. The titles then appear in white bold writing as the camera is doing a tracking shot towards the university. The scene shot then fades in to a high angle shot dollying backwards inside the university showing a group of people and 1 man at the front who is clearly showing them around.The "Road Trip" logo then appears in the left side of the screen which shows a clear bold title to introduce the film. A close up is then used to show the tour guides trainers which tell us he is clearly not smartly dressed and very casual. Over the shoulder shots are then used in the conversation of the tour guide towards the group as titles continue to display in corners of the screen. A medium shot is used of the guide to show his costume and a rough view of the setting of where the scene is taking place. A long shot is then used of the university building that is being talked about by the guide which shows us a full view of what the characters are looking at. A dolly shot is then used to track backwards as the tour group is walking. We know by just the first 2 minuets of this film it will be set amongst a young group of people in university with many different stereotypes being used on teenagers.

YOUTUBE LINK (Only Watch First 2 Mins)
The opening scene of this film begins with several title slides. The text of the credit is scrappy writing which is followed across by a light effect framed on a dark, gloomy background. Scary mysterious music starts to play to set the mood of the scene. It then fades in to a high angle shot of a man laying down strapped to a table. A flash of lightning then strikes which sets the mood of the setting. The camera then begins to track in towards the man on the table. More credits appear and then return to the scene which opens again with a close up shot of the mans face.The camera then arcs around the man and jumps to a point of view shot of him looking down at his body. The camera then tracks outwards in a twirling effect and a spectator shot is used. Medium shots are then used until the television switches on and a medium closeup is used alone with a handheld shot. Continuous long shots and medium shots are used to show the characters reaction to the situation. In this case he is panicking and scared. The viewed is immediately hooked into the film because their curious and wants to know, Why is the man is there? Where is he? Who is responsible for the video clip and the situation he is in? This makes the audience want to watch more so these questions can be answered.

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