Monday, October 5, 2009

Match On Action

We learnt about match on action through textbooks and our teacher. We tried to search for examples on Youtube but it was not successful so our teacher found a film and played and paused at parts of Match on Action. Match on action is when two frames of a film come together to make the action look continuos. For example if you walk through a door and the camera is filming from outside and the person opens the door if you're then going to cut to another shot of them walking through you have to make sure the amount that the door is open is the same otherwise the action wont match which means the film wont flow and will look wrong. We used Match on action in our preliminary task numerous times. For example when Actress 1 (Ellie), Walks through the fine arts door we filmed her from the outside of the door and then the inside and assured that the wideness of the gap between the door and the frame was the same when the shots where cut. (Scroll above to watch this on our Preliminary task)

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