Sunday, October 4, 2009

Homework: Wednesday 30th September 09 / 180degree rule

We learnt about the 180 degree rule in class through research in our textbooks, our teacher and looking up examples on Youtube. The 180 degree rule is a basics camera rule used when shooting a film. If you break the 180 degree rule then the scene will not make sense, unless your purposely breaking it for effect and the audience is clear to this.
Describing the 180 degree rule:
Imagine an invisible line across your scene. This is your 180 degree line. You must pick one side of this imaginary line to place your camera. Once you've chosen which side you would like to place your camera, your camera can move freely around that section and along the 180 degree line itself but cannot cross to the other side otherwise your creating frames of film which does not make sense. The video above talks you through the 180 degree what to do and not to do.

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